Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Day!

Good News! The vet told me that Murphy is making progress with his new medicines. Unfortunately, he’s not getting better as fast as they’d like so they’re going to have to keep him for a few days longer than previously thought. He’s even able to eat solid food (he wasn’t even able to do that when he was with me before, I had to mix up his medicines and a few vitamins the vet gave me into applesauce and feed it to him by letting him lick it off my finger)!

I called Zoey to tell her the good news and she was happy for me. I had been ignoring Sean’s calls ever since his last text message and felt like a jerk so I decided to try and see him tonight, after visiting Murphy.

“Hey, so I know I’ve been sketchy lately and I’m sorry. You know my cat was sick and I’ve been trying to deal with that and work, but things are going well with him now and I’m no longer booked.”

“I’m glad your cat is okay. What’s his name?”


“Cute.” He said, “I’m free tonight but I need to talk to you…like I actually have to have a real conversation with you.”

“Okay…is everything alright?”

“Yeah ….”

“Alright…well I’ll meet you at that burger place near your hotel around 8, okay?”

“It’s a date. Uh…a non-relationship kind of one.”

We hung up and I decided to do a bunch of chores that were pushed off by the events of the last few days and made a decent dent into the applications Veronica gave me. I have to go meet Sean in a few minutes so I have to go, but I can’t tell you how relieved I am about Murphy.

1 comment:

  1. Wonder what Sean wants to talk about??? I think he's falling for Faith.
