Thursday, April 22, 2010


I’ve been thinking about the recent events happening in my life lately and how they’ve affected me. I really want to take advantage of this time where I’m not in a relationship to focus on me and redefine some of my values.

In the past, I’ve tried to keep a policy on dating co-workers that included absolutely NOT dating the boss. Well, we know how well I kept to that standard…in evaluation of that former policy, I’ve decided that dating a co-worker should be avoided, but if it must happen it can’t be my boss or someone who works for me. So, if I started dating another person I worked with it would have to one of the writers for the paper or one of the mailroom staffers because we wouldn’t actually be working together and there would be no conflict of interest where we were trying to get each other fired.

Moving on to the trying-to-get-Kevin-fired thing….I’m fairly certain I have enough evidence to at least cast suspicion on Kevin’s relationships with co-workers to the board, but that would mean I’d have to explain how I learned that information. In order for me to get substantial proof I would need some semblance of sexual activity to be caught on a security tape or personally catch Kevin in the act with a co-worker. Besides, if the woman I saw doesn’t work for the paper and he’s fooling around with her, there’s nothing I can do since she doesn’t work for the paper and isn’t technically Kevin’s co-worker. Then there’s the fact that I could never blackmail someone, even Kevin. I feel so uncomfortable that he’s trying to pin something on me that it’s starting to affect my work performance.

I’ve given it some thought and I’m going to seriously start looking for a new job. It’s not just the Kevin thing that’s making me want to get out; it’s really the dynamics of working at the paper, in general. I don’t like that I have to do things that aren’t exactly part of my job, but because it’s a small paper, I end up doing a lot of things that shouldn’t be under my job description and it causes a lot of work for me that I’m not qualified to do. The fact that Kevin is looking for any excuse to get me fired actually isn’t playing into my decision as much as I thought it would. I think this thing with Kevin is just a way for me to have an excuse to want to leave my job. I know it seems weird, but I’ve been with the paper since its conception and I’m ready to work somewhere else, but I feel so loyal to the paper that wanting to work somewhere else just isn’t a good enough reason, so the thing with Kevin gives me a valid reason for myself. The paper is really small and is starting to get its own success in the city, but my time to leave has come. They aren’t planning on making any drastic structural changes in regards to employees so I’m going to be stuck doing things that I wouldn’t be expected to in another HR position. Due to the economy and work situations right now, I’m going to wait until I have a guaranteed job somewhere else before I let them know I’m leaving.


  1. Great thinking Faith, I mean yea Kevin deserves to get sh** canned, but it may still be ackward for her to work there. If I were Faith though, I'd be checking security cameras just in case.

  2. Smart girl, get it all lined out first before you make your move! And I agree with Laura B, keep an eye out!

  3. I don't blame Faith for wanting out. But nothing wrong with making Kevin's life hell while she searches for another job :)
