Friday, October 22, 2010

Friends, Lies, and Phone Calls

“No, Anna! She hit on Wesley and now she’s stuck her tongue down Sean’s throat, I am not going to try and be polite about this? How would you feel if it was Theo?”

Anna and I had been talking on the phone for nearly an hour. After Sean left to interview a new manager with his bandmates I immediately dialed her number and told her about what happened with Elise and Sean.

“Faith, you said she was drunk, she didn’t know-“

“ANNA! Would you please listen to yourself? You are asking me to make nice with someone who attempted to pull off my boyfriend’s pants in the back room of a bar! Elise hasn’t even been a good friend to you, in fact, she’s kind of mean to you. What is your deal?”

Anna was silent on the phone, I had a feeling she was tearing up a little.

“It’s just…Faith you know I don’t like confrontation…”

“I honestly think it’s gotten to the point where Elise and I can no longer be friends, Anna, and you’re first reaction is to tell me to forgive her. I understand that you feel bad about this but people end friendships all of the time and this cannot go on any longer.”

“She’ll hardly be there! I told you, she’s going to be late and she’ll probably leave after making the rounds. Can you at least wait until after Zoey’s party? Please? Zoey already hates surprises and you getting into a fight with Elise within days of it is not going to help anything. Do it for Zoey, Faith.”

I saw Anna’s point but I was still irritated by her refusal to take Elise’s actions at face value. For all I know Elise got drunk to give herself the courage to make out with Sean and impress her friends.

“Faith, please?”

“Fine. But after Zoey’s party I’m cutting her out of my life and I would suggest you do the same. I don’t mean to put you in the middle of this, Anna, but you brought me into this originally and I am not going to put up with her behavior anymore. I’m not her mother and I’m not interested in being called a judgmental bitch by her when I confront her about the advances she made on Sean while you sit next to her quiet as a mouse.”

There was a knock on the door and I told Anna I had to go. When I opened my door Molly was there.

“Hey!” she said as Murphy wound himself in between her legs outside my door. She was holding a gift bag and looked me over, “you’re not even dressed, did you forget about our movie date?”

I deflated instantly. I forgot that I had scheduled myself to see a movie with Molly and grab some lunch and I felt like a horrible person.

“It’s okay; we don’t need to go see a movie.” She said letting herself in and giving me a hug when I started turning bright red.

“I’m sorry, Molly. This is such an asshole thing of me to do. I’m normally really good about keeping my schedule.”

She plopped down on my couch and kicked her shoes off. Murphy started digging in the gift bag she brought which made both of us laugh.

“What is that?” I asked.

“It’s the dress you commissioned from me. I need to do a final fitting and thought today would be good.”

I suddenly felt even worse. I had commissioned Molly to make me a dress nearly a week and a half ago to wear to Zoey’s party and completely forgot about it as well. This whole Elise saga is taking its toll on my sanity, people.

Molly brushed off my sadness quickly and fitted me for it. It’s an emerald green mini cocktail dress and has a halter-styled top. I looked really hot in it and it’s going to fit me like a glove. I’m going to wear black tights, silver strappy high heel sandals, and a statement necklace with it. I might throw on a black cardigan if it’s really cold. I’m going to look fabulous, for sure, though.

We hung around my apartment for awhile while trying to decide on a new movie since our movie time had passed and eventually settled on going to see a movie, grab a bite to eat, and then go and see Sean’s band again. I was looking forward to being able to watch Sean’s band without Gerry shooting daggers at me from across the room, finally, and Molly really liked their music. I told her I’d be her wing woman if she needed it when some hot guy started hitting on her.

I really enjoy spending time with Molly and wouldn’t mind having a weekly date with her. Speaking of weekly dates, Zoey and I have not had one of our Friday night pizza nights in a long time; we should really start that up again…maybe we could invite Molly. I have a feeling Zoey would like her.

I think I’m going to ask Anna if I can bring Molly to Zoey’s party, as well. She offered to help set up with me when I told her I couldn’t hang out with her on the 29th and I think kicking her out would be pretty rude after she helped with the set up. Plus, we need the help. I’m responsible for picking up the cake, drinks, and a special balloon for Zoey and Anna is in charge of getting to the restaurant and decorating as much as she can, she’s also going to be supervising the various appetizers we’re having catered by the pub, utensils, etc. Molly has a car so it would be an added help especially because trying to navigate public transportation with a cake and balloons would be nearly impossible without some damage.

Anyway, we went to see Sean after having a delicious dinner (the movie was kind of eh) and I was shocked. Gerry was standing by a back hallway on his phone again and he gave me the dirtiest look I have ever seen. I stopped in my tracks and Molly knew something was up.

“Is everything okay?” She asked trying to pull me farther into the bar. I composed myself, waved at Sean (who looked pleased to see me), and then found a booth in the back.

“What is going on?” Molly asked once we’d gotten our drinks from the bar.

“Sean told me the band fired their manager, Gerry, but he’s still here…and he hates me. The night you and I first met he basically called me a slut. I found out afterward that Sean had pulled me in the back that night to get back at Gerry because he’s been making Sean’s life rather difficult. I told Sean that I would not come to see him play anymore ever since that incident because I didn't want to get in the middle of him and Gerry. I thought Gerry wouldn’t be here so I figured it would be fine but they didn’t fire him! He’s still there.” I said surreptitiously pointing to Gerry from behind my beer. He was still scowling but was distracted by his phone.

“Does Sean know how rude he is to you?”

“I didn’t tell him because I didn’t want to cause more problems for him; he was in the process of convincing everyone else to fire him so I figured it wasn’t necessary.”

“There’s probably an explanation, Faith.”

“I’m still livid that he lied to me.”

“He might not have, though.”

I nursed my beer until Sean got a break. He came over and kissed me but he could tell I was not in a good mood.

“Did I do something wrong?” He asked while Molly pretended to go to the bathroom to give us some privacy.

“We’ll talk about it later.” I said coldly.

“I’m in a lot of trouble, aren’t I?”

“Oh, yes.”

“Can I get a hint?”

“Nope, I’m going to go.” I said as I saw Molly walk out of the bathroom. I grabbed our coats and we walked out of the bar.

We ended up splitting a cab and now I’m sitting here absolutely seething while I wait for Sean to get off work. I can’t believe he lied to me about Gerry. This doesn’t make sense; he told me earlier today that he was interviewing a new manager but Gerry is still there. Sean told me Gerry had been fired over a week ago! Sean is going to come home to a very pissed off girlfriend.


  1. Welcome back! Hope everything is looking up for you. Great post, and what a cliffhanger! Really hoping that Sean has a good explanation..

  2. I bet they did fire him and he's still hanging around, trying to line up gigs, and win them back. I think Faith is totally jumping to conclusions. I can't wait for Anna to stop being a doormat. Welcome back! mum

  3. Great Post!!!!!!!!! So glad you are back - this is by far my favorite blog!

    I think Faith is totally jumping the gun here too - Dork Gerry could have been there with a different band for all she knows... I want to see the cat fight from hell between Faith and Elise!

  4. Welcome back!!

    It's time for Anna to pull her head out of the sand. She may not like confrontation but Elise's behavior is beyond rediculous. Drunk, sober, it doesn't matter that is TWO of her "friend's" men that she has hit on. That's not a coincidence that's a pattern.

    Don't think Sean would hire Gerry back since he caused so many problems. Guess we'll have to wait and see but I'm sure there is a good explanation.

  5. Hi there, Delor! SO glad you're back, and I hope things are better for you, Sunshine.

    Anyhoo, I think Faith is just really sensitive about Gerry...which is totally understandable, since he treats her like shit, and acts like he owns Sean. Probably what others are saying is true: he's skulking about, trying to hang onto his place in the bands' structure. Or, maybe he IS there for another band. Watch Faith go off on Sean before she realizes none of it is his fault; she'll feel like crap when he's really understanding and sweet about it.

    Elise: must be dealt with - quickly...she's just too trashy to keep around. And, Anna is getting downright annoying, regardless of her reasons for making Elise's excuses. Go Faith.

  6. Welcome back!

    Great post, but Anna seems like she has no spine. It's one thing to dislike confrontation, it's a whole other to just blatantly over look the fact that her friend is not really a friend at all. I have a feeling that something is going to go down at Zoey's party and everything will come out.

    As for Gerry, what a douche. I hope he was just creeping around and that Sean didn't really lie to Faith. Which I don't think he did because he would've come up to her apologizing not beaming and trying to kiss her. Anyway, keep up the good work, love your blog (:

  7. I'm so glad you are back! Great post!

  8. yay!! Your Back. Loved this left me so curious hehehe

  9. Hi,hope you are doing better!
    This post is as great as always. Is it wrong that I want to yell at Anna a lot more than I want to at Elise? Anna is the real disappointment here Makes me wonder if Elise has got anything on her.
    It doesn't make sense that Sean would be that clueless if he had lied to Faith about Gerry.So,it really begs the qtn why Gerry was there in the first place. Hope neither Faith nor Sean do something silly.

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