Sunday, April 3, 2011


Sean sent me a video he took from the stage during one of their tour performances and I was shocked at how big the crowd was. I think Sean has been downplaying how successful the band has been getting because he’s worried or something. There was a small article about his band in the paper the other day that was really nice. The writer said they thought Sean’s band would be at the top of the charts by next year. It’s sort of surreal to think about that but with the video he sent me, I can definitely believe it. The things is….I’m not sure that Sean even wants that. We’re doing well but I’ve gotta say: I miss him a lot. He’s coming home tomorrow for three days and I can’t wait. I’m so excited to see him that I can barely focus on work.

Speaking of which, Veronica agreed to cut the number of stories Stormy is being assigned and extended his deadlines but she evaded my questions about setting up a meeting with him and the HR rep for the station. Stormy is right. This isn’t typical of Veronica; something is going on with her. It’s not really my place to get to the bottom of it, either. I went to tell Stormy after lunch, he was at his desk, as usual. He followed me into my office and sat down wearily, but hopeful.

“So I talked to Veronica. She’s going to talk to Greg about reducing the amount of stories you’re being assigned and pushing your deadlines back a little.”

Stormy let out a sigh of relief, “Okay, so when are we going to meet to discuss my contract?”

I looked at the floor, “Stormy, you might not even want to renegotiate your contract with the lesser work load.”

“Oh COME ON!” He was yelling, “Even YOU couldn’t get her to schedule a meeting!?”

“Stormy, there’s a lot going on right now for everyone.” I said trying to calm him down, “Veronica has always been a hard person to schedule time with. Take the lesser workload and see how you feel after a week or two, okay?”

Stormy looked pissed but nodded. He left my office in a huff.

“WHAT was that about?” Steve said coming into my office and handing me some files I’d asked him to copy.

“Nothing.” I sighed, “Veronica has been hard to schedule a meeting with.”

“Oh…” Steve laid the files on my desk but I stopped him.

“What do you know?” I asked glaring at him.

“Um. Nothing. Why would you think that I…I don’t know anything.” Steve was avoiding eye contact with me.

“Spill it, Steve.”

“It’s just a rumor.”

“I want to hear it.”

“Word on the street is that Veronica might be fired by the higher-ups.”

“What! Why?”

“I have no idea. I swear!”

“How do you know this?”

“Rose said that a few of Veronica’s bosses are keeping tabs on her and scheduling almost daily meetings. She said she can often hear raised voices but she isn’t sure what the meetings are about; the only thing she’s been able to get is that they aren’t going in Veronica’s favor.”

“Steve that’s ridiculous! We’d see them in the office if they were coming here every day.”

“We have seen them though! Rose said they usually come in the morning before everyone else gets into work, but I’ve seen them come at later times in the day, too. You’re usually in your office, so it makes sense that you’ve never seen them walking around the floor.”

I was shocked at what Steve was saying. Not just because it was surprising but because I hadn’t noticed it at all. I told Steve to try and shut the rumors down if he could and then he left. If Veronica is fired I don’t know what that will mean for the paper or me. I mean, she hired me. She hired all of us! If the higher-ups were questioning her judgment they might choose to re-evaluate all of us as well to see if there were better candidates and to weed out any mistakes Veronica may have made.

(Author's Note: I apologize for posting this late but Blogger was undergoing maintenance and wouldn't let me post it when I wanted to.)

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