Saturday, December 19, 2009

Starry Nights

Right after I posted my last post I heard a commotion in the street outside my window. I got up to look outside and it was just a homeless man that had fallen into the trash bins. I closed my curtains and before I could go get into my bed, someone was screaming my name. I opened the curtains again and realized that the homeless man was actually a very, very, drunk Kevin. He was being very loud and it was getting pretty late so I opened my window.

“What are you doing? Will you be quiet, please?” I hissed at him.
I jus’ need tuh talk tuh you,” he slurred, “I’m leaving her, it’s gon’ be over, Fai’.”

“That’s great…for you. Go home Kevin. Now.”

“But, I luhve yoo!” He was getting louder and I was becoming more and more tempted to call the police, “I need you!”

“You need to go home now, Kevin, we’ll talk about this on Monday, okay?”

I closed my window and the curtains and turned off the lights in my apartment. I crawled under my covers and heard Kevin fall into the trashcans again, get up, and leave. I really didn’t like seeing this side of Kevin. I’m sure he’ll apologize profusely but I’m not entirely sure that he actually meant what he said about leaving Hannah. We’ll see what happens on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Kevin is a jerk. First he kisses Faith despite the fact though he brought Hannah to the Christmas party. He intoduced her as his fiance as well so we know the wedding is still on. Sorry but that just screams douchebag. Then he shows up drunk saying that he "luhves" her. I'd rather stay single than be with this sorry excuse for a man.
