Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Disappearing Act

Because I have been working on the holiday show with the theatre, I haven’t been working nights at the bar with exceptions for New Year’s and other extremely high volume-expected times. As such, I’ve been working days, which means I haven’t seen Brad since New Year’s Eve; I’ve also been ignoring all of his texts and phone calls since then, too. So, now that the holiday show is over, I’m back on nights and was expecting a whole lot of awkwardness coming from Brad’s direction when I walked in to work last night.

But he wasn’t there.                                        

I clocked in and got settled with Cara. She was pouring drinks tonight, instead of being a bar back like usual.

“Are you filling in for Brad?” I asked her.

“Didn’t Bruno tell you?” She asked.

“Did Bruno tell me what?”

“I’ve been promoted to bartender.”

“Oh, that’s awesome, Cara!”

“Bruno said he wants to see you after you get settled.” She said serving a beer to a regular.

I went to the back room where Bruno always hung out with his favorite customers.

“Bruno, you wanted to see me?”

“Yeah, Faith, let’s go to the office.”

I followed him back through the kitchen to a rickety staircase. Once we got to the landing, I followed him down a damp-smelling hallway until we reached his office. He offered me a seat in front of an old antique desk covered with papers.

“The situation going on with Brad is just unacceptable. I want to know what you think about it.”

I broke out in a cold sweat. Did Brad tell Bruno that we had sex in the stockroom? Was Bruno about to fire me? Is that why Brad wasn’t there? Had he been fired? I started panicking internally but decided to play dumb.

“What situation? Does it have to do with why he’s not here right now?”

Bruno gave me a confused look.

“You don’t know…? Faith, Brad quit five days ago. He didn’t even give me two weeks’ notice.”

I sat there shocked. My stomach dropped. I was both relieved about not being fired but also felt responsible for Brad leaving.

“I made Cara a bartender but I need you to take Brad’s place as the head bartender.”

“What!? Bruno, I’m in no way trained for that.”

“I’ll pay to get you trained at a school or something, okay, but I can’t run this place without a head bartender, you know that. And you’re the best person I’ve got for the job. I’ll pay you more.”

 I sighed.

“It’s not about the money. What about my other job? You know I need the flexibility of working days and nights when I work on shows. The head bartender works the busiest shifts, which are always at night. I can’t do that AND stage manage shows that are opened.”

Bruno sat back in his chair, deep in thought. His chair made loud creaky sounds as he rocked back and forth.

“What if it’s just temporary?” He asked.

“What do you mean?”

“I’ll make you the head bartender for 3 weeks…a month tops, just until I can find someone else. I’ll pay you double time.”

I thought about it. A month wouldn’t be too bad. Most rehearsal periods last that long so if Ed picked me up for the next show, there shouldn’t be a conflict since I can work nights during the rehearsal period, but not when the show is open and having performances at night.

“Okay.” I said.

We shook hands and I left the office. When I got back to the bar, we had a lot of customers so I started pouring drinks as fast as possible. Eventually, Cara and I got caught up and had some down time.

“So, what did Bruno want?” She asked.

“He wanted to promote me to head bartender.”

“That’s awesome, Faith!”

“I didn’t take it.” I said.

Cara’s face fell.

“It’s just going to be temporary until he can find someone else.”

“Oh.” She said.

“It just wouldn’t work with my stage managing.” I said.

Cara nodded in agreement.

“So…what happened with Brad?” I asked her.

“I have no idea.” She said, “He just…left. He said he didn’t need the bar anymore or anyone here. It was…it came out of nowhere. He seemed happier than usual for the past few weeks but a few days before he quit he seemed really angry and upset all the time. He must have had some personal stuff going on.”

“Yeah, I guess. Do you know what he’s doing now?”

“I think he’s working as a manager at some record store his friend owns. He’s talked about it before as a back-up plan if the bar ever went under.”

“Wow.” I said. I was pretty sure Brad’s departure had EVERYTHING to do with what happened between us but I didn’t want Cara to find out about that.

“So how are you and Mike?” Cara changed the subject and I was thankful.

“We’re fully back together and things are going well. I’m meeting him tomorrow to see a movie. You and Liam can come, if you want.”

“Oh, I’d love to, but Liam’s parents are in town and we’re going out to dinner tomorrow.”

When I got home after my shift, I felt insurmountably guilty. I felt guilty because I’m the reason Brad left and I feel guilty because I still don’t know if I should tell Mike about what happened. The longer I wait to tell him, the worse it will be, I think, but if I never tell him I’ll feel like I’ll be lying to him. I hate this.


  1. Come on, Faith. Be a grown up and deal with the Brad situation head on. I think what happened is going to bite you either way, so you might as well get it over with. mum

  2. It kind of bothers me that she automatically assumes Brad's leaving is all about her. She avoided talking to him and texting; he could have been calling to tell her something completely different was going on in his life. I don't think she should tell Mike, but I have a feeling this is going to rear its ugly head all on its own somehow.

  3. Should have told Mike 2 weeks ago.

  4. I'm with Mum. Either way, it isn't going to be good. But...playing Devil's Advocate - Why do hyou have to tell him? You were on a break. Are you required to share this? Hmmm....

  5. Mum I so agree. She needs to grow up. She should have talkd to him. If it was the other way around she would have been pissed and felt used. Which I am sure Brad does in some way. She needs to tell Mike the truth too before it's too late.

  6. I think she should tell him because everyone deserves honesty. I think most of us would want to know the truth and have the option of dealing with it the best way we see fit. We can argue whether she cheated or whether they were on a break, but it doesn't change the fact that truthfulness and honesty are necessary for any healthy relationship. Mike deserves to know. Brad deserves an apology or explanation regardless if he left because of her or not.

    Faith needs to get her shit together. Seriously.

  7. Faith needs to just come clean with Mike (since it's bothering her so much) at the next opportunity - then they can go from there. While I (personally) believe it's always a mistake to jump into bed with someone else ("break" or no break) when your primary relationship is up in the air, it IS true that Mike initiated their time apart, leaving her hanging in the process. I think they've BOTH behaved badly during all this, obviously for different reasons. They need a fresh start with everything out in the open. If I were in Faith's shoes (regarding how Mike turned on her on Christmas Day, and taking into account that she still wants to be with him), I'd let him know in no uncertain terms that the "break" he initiated after throwing her to the wolves (his family), was a 1-time deal; having problems as a couple doesn't mean ditching each other and coming back whenever you feel like it. Bad habit to get into. Mike was a Jekyll & Hyde during that whole thing, and Faith should get some assurance (as much as that's possible) this is the exception rather than the rule regarding his typical behavior. Next time Maggie (or anyone) steps THAT far out of line by hurling outrageous insults Faith's way, is he going to have her back? Couples (happy, successful ones) stand together as a unit. You can show loyalty and love to both your family members and serious partner without dumping on either party. Besides that, Maggie was nothing short of rabid during that ugly scene - completely disrespectful, even considering her obvious pain over the loss of her mother. I guess we'll have to give Mike's character the benefit of the doubt that he was freaking over his mother - but it WAS pretty freaky. I also thought the business about badgering Faith to have sex at his mother's wake was incredibly strange and inappropriate; it put Faith in an ugly, impossible position, and I would have preferred to have her stand strong on that one and just say "no," instead of caving to his pressure. That was disturbing to read, and made me question Mike's stability.

    Finally, Faith should very seriously consider the feelings of others BEFORE she engages in furious (albeit very satisfying) rutting with whichever sexual partner presents himself while her primary relationship is limping along. She's normally so caring and considerate, I don't think it's a stretch for her to appreciate the fact that just because the sex means nothing more than sex to HER, that doesn't mean the guy she's doing it with doesn't have a completely different impression of it. I was surprised and a little disgusted that she ignored poor Brad's calls and texts for days on end after their romp in the bar stockroom. Not nice. A guy would get burned at the stake (figuratively) for that type of behavior and be shunned by female readers as a worthless player who uses women and then discards them afterward - no excuses accepted for extenuating circumstances. While we know Faith isn't that type of person underneath, her behavior when she's hurting over a love relationship still produces the same result: an innocent, mislead person getting unnecessarily hurt and dragged into something he isn't responsible for or equipped to handle. Thoughtlessly using and hurting others is NOT the way I like to see Faith handle her own pain. She needs to find a way to try and make things right with Brad - as much as that's possible at this point.

    Great job, Del creating lovable, flawed, complicated characters that make us feel like we know them in person - that's effective writing. Straight-up awesome.
