Saturday, November 5, 2011

Author's Note

Modern Day Faith will be returning on Monday to its regular schedule (a post every M, W, F). I apologize for not posting as much as I wanted to, but finals were pretty difficult this semester and I really needed to focus on them.

I'm healing okay from my wisdom teeth surgery from Friday and have started catching up on Faith! I think you'll all really love what I have planned! (Or you'll love to hate it!)


  1. glad you made it through your finals ok, school is always most important, we will be here waiting.

  2. Yaaay! I'm glad you're feeling better, and I'm so glad the blog is coming back! :) What great news to read on a Sunday night...

  3. Congrats on finishing finals, and nice to have the teeth over and done with. Looking forward to some exciting posts!!!!!
