Sunday, October 16, 2011


I had a date with Randy last night. It was THE night. Honestly, we had a great time but sex with Randy was…underwhelming. It was nice, but it was very vanilla and just alright. He seemed really nervous, though, so I think once he gets a little more comfortable things will get a little better and if not, I can be vocal about what I want if I need to be. We fell asleep together and I woke up in Randy’s arms. Unfortunately he had to go shortly after waking up to relieve the babysitter. He gave me a kiss before asking if we could see each other again and I obviously said yes. We’re actually going to a movie next weekend…Randy scheduled a sleep over at a friend’s for Teddy.

During our date, though, Randy started asking me questions about my life and dating.

“Do you not date a lot?” He asked taking a sip of wine.

“No, I’m a pretty active dater, why?” I asked putting herb butter on the warm bread our waiter had brought.

“Well…I’m just really surprised that you were single when I asked you out.” He said.

“Oh. Um. Well, to be honest, Randy, I was in a relationship until a few months ago. Things didn’t work out, though.”

“Oh.” He said almost with an air of judgment.

“To be fair,” I said before he could make any snap judgments, “the relationship had ended much earlier than our official break-up. We were barely even together for the last few months of it. I only saw him a few times over the last few months.”

“Oh, I’ve had a few relationships like that.” He said.

I almost let out a sigh of relief.

“Before my wife, of course.”

I was hesitant to ask Randy my next question but it slipped out before I could stop myself.

“Randy, how many relationships have you had since she passed away?”

“A few. Only one serious one, though. I’ve been more careful about my relationships since that one, though. Normally I don’t introduce Teddy to anyone until we’ve gotten a lot more serious because it’s hard for him to really understand what’s going on.” His eyes got wide like he thought he’d said something wrong, “That’s not to say that I think you and I have reached that point, you were just the only person besides Stacy I could have watch him on such short notice with us being new to the neighborhood and the building and everything.”

I touched Randy’s hands as he continued to ramble nervously.

“It’s okay, Randy. I wasn’t going to jump to a conclusion like that and freak out.” I smiled, “I really like Teddy, though, for what it’s worth.”

“I don’t know how he turned out the way he did. I’ve made a lot of mistakes. Being a single parent is really hard and my wife was such a good mom. She was just so good with him. I try to live up to her parenting skills but I’m sure I fall short a lot of the time.”

“I think you’re a great dad.” I said.

Randy looked like he was really touched. Just then our food came and we started raving about how delicious it was and the conversation continued to flow easily until we made it back to my apartment and our mouths were too busy to continue talking.


  1. It bothers me that Faith is sleeping with multiple partners and I don't think she has any strong feelings for any of them. What if she gets pregnant? She won't even know who the daddy is. It just seems so out of character from the type of person I thought she was.

  2. I think that Faith shared an appropriate amount of information on this current date. While Randy is saying that he prefers serious relationships, he is not nearly at that point with this date. lol.. I do mirror readgirl's thoughts though...Faith better be careful with her in between the sheets activities.

  3. While I've always enjoyed reading about Faith, I haven't been quite as enthusiastic when reading about her being so non-chalant about all these men she's involved with. I guess I'm more of a "Charlotte" than a "Samantha" after all.

  4. I agree with all of the above. I mean, if she really, really adored both of them, and was trying to make a decision or something, then maybe... But this just seems wrong, and Chris seems gross and so inappropriate for her. I mean does she feel ANYTHING for him? I think not. I'm a little surprised too.

  5. Hey - I hope its ok to do this - if not feel free to delete. Check out this new blog:

  6. i dont have a problem with her sleeping with both of them if she were in a good place about it - but she's clearly not. and i agree - what happened to her therapist? let's hope she stopped seeing her bc otherwise the therapy must be really shitty. I wish she would drop chris, he sucks ass. he's so young and immature and why are you going to keep having sex with a guy if he doesn't please you ?? its one thign if you guys are in love and you have a hard time getting there and he's trying to do things to help you along, but this kid is like just about himself. even after she basically asked him to do stuff for her. he's just a jerk. also, i know a lot of guys may not like it, per say, but tons of college guys will do it, esp to get sex / a bj in return, so idk where he comes off being so immature / grossed out by it.

    i wish she'd realize how bad of a place she is in and do something about it, but hey i guess when youre in the middle of a bad point you can't very well say, "HEY, im in a bad place i need to stop this." i know ive been there and it took a while to get out of it.

    Also, i feel like with randy opening up to her, she coudl have expanded a little more on her last relationship, since he's been SO honest with her. I feel like she's "lying" to him by not being honest about what really happened with Sean (engagement / cheating / end)- not to say she has to tell him EVERYTHING but i think he deserves to know that, at this point, so he realizes she's not in a great spot right now.

